What is Electrostatic Disinfection and Why You Should Care About It

These days you can never be too careful, especially when it comes to maintaining a certain degree of cleanliness. With the threat of COVID-19 still looming over our heads like shadowy nimbus clouds on the horizon, taking extreme measures to ensure clean and comfortable spaces for both dwelling and work is still the best that anyone could do to maintain good health and a sound mind in the backdrop of this grim pandemic. 

Over a year since the COVID-19 sowed terror, people from various parts of the earth have been driven to become accustomed to the new normal, however “normal” anyone would like to consider it. Routines have dramatically changed, and every trip out of the house would never be without a face mask and a spray of alcohol or toilet paper. More than that, the businesses that are lucky enough to still be in business right now are implored to up their cleaning game as doing so is largely essential in making this new normal effective and contributes to a safer community that somehow works in the very least.

As evolution calls for it, adapting to safety guidelines and keeping a pristine facility has also led us to look for more potent options for fighting the virus. What else can you do to make your homes, your offices, your business establishments, your personal environment safer amid this seemingly unending pandemic? It would seem that people have already exhausted their means in sustaining a clean space, as less and less of us become in control of our choices and alternatives. But, as luck would have it, commercial cleaning professionals and the industry have taken an advanced approach that makes cleaning far more interesting and powerful. It’s high time you hear about electrostatic disinfection. 

What is electrostatic disinfection?

Electrostatic disinfection is a specialized kind of cleaning method that involves the spraying of electrostatically charged particles that cling to any kind of surface and object and disinfects accordingly. The concept is quite simple despite its highly scientific sound and is very effective, which makes it ideal when working on post-construction cleaning apart from other high-risk settings.

The science behind electrostatic disinfection

Electrostatic disinfection isn’t exactly a brand new shiny thing. In fact, the technology it latches on is ancient history and has been proven and tested time and again. One of the prime examples of electrostatic spray technology throughout history is painting cars. To assure that the paint is commensurately applied even on every nook and cranny, electrostatic spray technology is utilized, making the paint job spick and span. 

When it comes to electrostatic disinfection, the process is pretty much the same, although going over it would call for a scientific understanding. The solution, which is a disinfectant, is loaded inside the special sprayer where it is combined with air. Inside the sprayer nozzle is an electrode that is responsible for charging the disinfectant before it gets sprayed on. Once the positively charged disinfectant is sprayed onto any negatively charged surface or object, it immediately coats and neutralizes the surface of pathogens and bacteria.

What makes it the better choice?

While electrostatic disinfection sounds just like a fancy spray cleaning job, that is not all there is to it. Electrostatic disinfection is a far cry from dry and wet dusting and other traditional cleaning methods. Unlike dry and wet dusting that does not completely guarantee a bacteria-free surface and environment, electrostatic disinfection cleaning is revolutionary, as far as cleaning methods go. Its unique proposition is that it can effectively sanitize hard-to-reach areas, without going over too much trouble or bending over backward to do it. Because the technology was long used in car painting work, it has been proven effective in reaching remote spots. 

Apart from its impressive sanitation qualities, electrostatic disinfection has a lot more benefits in store for those who want to try it. 

  • Because of its effortless high-coverage reach, less time and effort is spent disinfecting large areas.
  • A pathogen-controlled space is created because viruses and bacteria like influenza, HIV, and even COVID-19 are prevented with the use of electrostatic disinfection.
  • Reduced waste and less chemical overuse are achieved through electrostatic disinfection because there is more control over the layer of spray that gets diffused in each area or location. 
  • Because of its innovative means of disinfecting, commercial cleaning professionals can proceed with sanitizing areas and rooms with less contact. Less contact means fewer chances of spreading bacteria.

Electrostatic disinfection is a sure-fire way to keep your space or establishment spotless clean. Businesses, for one, would greatly benefit from the wonders of electrostatic disinfection. Any space that caters to high-traffic, high-contact businesses needs deep cleaning that only electrostatic disinfection could deliver. Businesses and busy spots like gyms, restaurants, work offices, clinics, schools, and public transport are just some of what would enjoy the well-being brought about by electrostatic disinfection.

Aged-care facilities would be best cleaned with electrostatic disinfection due to the high-risk setting and highly sensitive occupants. Industrial locations are also encouraged to do some post-construction cleaning with the help of electrostatic disinfection. Doing so will fully cleanse and empty the site of dust, debris, and potentially viral dirt and pathogens. 

As a business, it is not just about following strict guidelines and proper measures to ensure the safety of your establishment. More importantly, it is your big responsibility to your staff, your customers, and your community to make them feel secure while inside your space. Assuring that your establishment is safe and sound for them is one step towards creating a better place despite the pandemic. 

If you want to employ the best practices when it comes to taking care of your professional space and business site and making it a safe space for everyone who comes to visit, then it’s about time you try investing in electrostatic disinfection. At this point, this is the investment that is worth considering.

Car painting did teach us a thing or two about sanitizing spaces, and isn’t that fantastic?