What Kind of Disposable Glove Should You Use in the Office?

Best type of disposable glove to use in the office.

In the face of the modern worldwide pandemic, many have become more conscious of preventing the spread of germs and viruses and keeping a clean and safe environment. Minimizing the spread of infection and sickness isn’t always new. However, with the extended interest and cognizance of our touch with others, it’s become vital to learn and understand more about the things we do to protect ourselves and the people around us.

Aside from the worldwide protocol of frequent handwashing, social distancing, and wearing of masks; using protective garments, such as gloves, would be helpful as well especially if you are handling food or handling patient-care activities.

Why Should You Use Gloves?

Gloves are hand coverings that may not be necessary for normal situations such as doing daily errands. These are recommended to use if you are cleaning, handling food, or taking care of the sick. Here is the rationale for using gloves:

To reduce the risk of contamination when in contact with blood and other body fluids. 

This is applicable to those who are handling patient-care activities. Since blood and other body fluids could contain germs and viruses that can be spread through direct contact with the skin, using disposable gloves can prevent contamination and its spreading.

This is also applicable in the preparation of food, to which you may be exposed to raw meat juices.

To reduce the risk of germ spread to the environment. 

Wearing gloves could prevent transmission from one healthcare worker to another healthcare worker or patient. Gloves should be used during all patient-care activities.

To serve as a barrier from microorganisms and bare skin. 

Using gloves will reduce the risk of cross-contamination,  especially when changing tasks. 

When To Use Gloves?


Gloves are commonly used during routine cleaning and disinfecting. To thoroughly clean an area, you usually use cleaning supplies made with chemicals that may be too harsh for one’s skin. Thus, it is important to wear gloves during this time to prevent irritation. Also, do remember to wash your hands properly after removing the gloves.

When caring for a person who is sick 

It is important to wear gloves if you are providing health care services to someone at a healthcare facility or in a non-healthcare facility especially when cleaning and disinfecting the area that surrounds the sick person. This includes the highly touched areas of the place.

Also, do not forget to wear gloves when throwing out the trash to prevent contamination. Gloves should never be used and must be thrown right after using them to prevent spreading germs and viruses. To be extra safe, wash your hands properly after removing the gloves.

Different Glove Materials

Gloves of latex, vinyl, and nitrile are all factory-made in industrial and examination grade. Exam-grade gloves are typically adopted for medical use, whereas industrial-grade gloves are generally used in automotive, food service, janitorial, and totally different industrial environments. To settle on which is the proper glove you should use, you ought to consider the chemicals and puncture you may get in contact with, the grip you need, and your budget.


Popularly used in the medical, automotive, janitorial, and printing industries, latex gloves are elastic and consistent-fitting. It has better puncture resistance than vinyl and is available in unpowdered and powdered options. However, powdered latex gloves have been prohibited for medical use in the United States since 2017. 

Vinyl gloves used in the food industry.


Popularly used in food service and food processing industries, vinyl gloves have a looser fit than latex and nitrile, which provides a more comfortable fit. Using this type of glove removes the concern about latex allergies. Despite not having petroleum properties that are present in nitrile, it is a more economical option especially if frequent glove changes are required.


Popularly used in automotive, manufacturing, janitorial, plumbing, paint shop industries, nitrile gloves complies with the FA regulations for food contact, which allows them to be used in food-processing industries as well. Its shelf life is longer than latex rubber gloves and is much stronger than latex or vinyl.

The feel and fit are similar to latex gloves since the material of a nitrile glove conform to your hand based on your temperature. It also has a higher puncture, chemical, and abrasion resistance compared to latex gloves – almost three times the latter.


Popularly used in the foodservice industry, the poly glove is best used in activities that are only short in duration and do not need much grip. It is made industrial-grade only without any powder or latex. These gloves have a looser fit which may allow entry of materials and chemicals.

Difference between Food Service, Medical, and Industrial Gloves

Whether you are in an industrial environment with harsh chemicals, in the back of a kitchen where food is handled, or in a medical facility where bloodborne pathogens may be present, a glove is always required to safeguard your hand. 

These different types of gloves undergo a series of tests and safety requirements before they are put on the open market.  These gloves are tested for resistance to puncture and abrasion, tension, and stretch. Their overall chemical resistance is verified as well based on the Acceptable Quality Limits Test (AQL) set by the Food and Drug Administration. Do note that the AQL is a method applied to a group of gloves, not just an individual.

Industrial Gloves vs Medical Gloves

Industrial Gloves has a higher AQL than a medical glove. A medical glove has to be tested and pass a verification test with an AQL of 1.5, while the industry glove standards are set at an AQL of 3. Another thing is that some groups of gloves may barely fail the test and may still be approved for industrial use, while still being restricted for medical use.

Food Service Gloves vs Medical Gloves

Foodservice gloves have no minimum AQL classification. The main rules for food service gloves is that they should be fit in the hand of the wearer, and that they should be worn correctly. So, can a food-grade glove be used for medical purposes? Yes, as long as it has an AQL grade of 1.5.


Gloves are important in preventing contamination and the spread of infection. But remember, wearing gloves is not a substitute for handwashing. Always wash your hands with soap and water after wearing gloves to ensure cleanliness.

If you need cleaning services, cleanliness, and disinfecting tips in Fairfield County, Connecticut, you may contact us. We are an insured cleaning company, that could guarantee the best cleaning service for your cleaning needs,