Keeping Your Office Desk Workable

office desk cleaning Your desk can say a lot about you as a person, your job, and your overall work style since office desks are where you spend most of your work hours seated and doing every task assigned to you. That is why ensuring that it is clean all the time is crucial to perform efficiently at work. However, there’s so little time left for you to thoroughly organize your desk so you end up with mediocre cleaning. This means that even if you are cleaning your desk, there would still be a ton of microorganisms, harmful or not, that sits on your desk throughout the d
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An Intro to Indoor Air Quality in Under 10 Minutes

Why do people think that air pollution can only be experienced outside when indoor air pollution can also occur if your house is not properly taken care of? People tend to spend a large amount of time indoors without caring about the air they are breathing. However, little did everyone know that indoor air quality is strongly attached to their health and well-being. Studies show that air pollution concentrations of some pollutants are two to five times higher i
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How Often Should You Really Clean Your Office Building

The need for a clean working space and office building has been emphasized now more than ever. If there is anything that we learned from the get-go of this pandemic, it is that you cannot discount the value of effective cleaning, especially in the commercial and work setting. Since borders are now open and domestic and international travels resume, ensuring that your hotel rooms are clean is just the bare minimum.
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To Dust or To Vacuum?

vacuuming office When it comes to cleaning, pieces of advice that help in achieving the best results with less effort are always welcome. Implementing tried and tested tips and tricks will make your life easier. Not only do they require less time and effort, but also decrease your product use which leads to reduced costs on your part. The most asked question when it comes to cleaning is what is the correct order of steps to achieve that perfect clean space without having to redo anything. Redoing work just does not seem very productive. That is why in this article, we will be focusing more
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